Toy Buying Guide for Christmas 2021

Shape sorters and stacking rings work differently for children of various ages. When they are six to eight months old, they will play with them in one way, and as they grow bigger, they will discover other ways to play with the same toys.

Toys, toys, toys…there are so many great, enjoyable, educational, entertaining, and interesting toys available! Seriously, the range and number of toys available these days is mind-boggling, but which toys should you choose for your infants? Allow me to attempt to address that question by describing the items we purchased for our son Neil and justifying our selections.

Babies and children in general will play with almost anything. You will most certainly notice this when you purchase a wonderful item for your child and all he or she wants to do is play with the box it came in. However, as parents, we must seek out toys that are age-appropriate, interesting, safe, and enjoyable.

Here are a few guidelines we discovered via experience and that my wife Neha, who has spent many hours researching and reading about babies, discovered through some excellent web resources. We thought the suggestions made a lot of sense and attempted to incorporate them into the toys we acquired. Thus, let us begin.

Below we have mentioned some tips which you should consider while buying toys.

Very Few Electronic Toys or Gadgets

This includes phones, tables, and electronic toys that are brightly lit and make loud noises. We’ll get to phones and tablets later, but first, let’s discuss how much Indian uncles, aunties, and grandparents adore loud technological gadgets. They are too noisy for infants and, if equipped with flashing lights, may impair a child’s attention span.

Simply avoid loud toys in general, or if someone special gifts you one, do as we do and tape three or four strips of sticky tape to the speakers. You’ll notice that the sound becomes noticeably muted. Additionally, if there are strobing lights and excessive activity, simply avoid the item.

Now, phones, televisions, and tablets should be strictly avoided by infants until they reach the age of two, and even then, should be confined to an hour or two at most for as long as feasible. Watching content on electronic devices can contribute to children’s weight growth (as they are sedentary and inactive), impair their linguistic and mental development, and impair their ability to think independently.

Maintain Simplicity, or Just Buy Keep it Simple Toys!

Toys that talk or do things keep the baby from having to think too much. They take control of playtime, rather than your infant discovering new things via curiosity and experimentation. Give your children toys that are not too specialized and need them to perform a single task. Provide them with blocks or, when they are old enough, interactive toys.

We offer a nice form sorter toy in which you may insert various shapes such as square, round, or triangular pieces. We obtained it for him ahead of schedule. At first, he would simply play with the shapes, but after a few months, he figured out how to fit them into the holes. Similarly, stacking rings toys kept him interested for an extended period of time. We bought him these lovely wooden stacking rings, which he adored. Again, he was at a loss for what to do at first but quickly worked it out.

Simple toys assist your child with problem solving and are open-ended. They can do things with the parts that you would not want to do with them. Allow them to explore and enjoy themselves. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to playing with such items. Allow them to have fun and learn how to use these toys as they get bigger.

Allow Only a Few Toys to Be Out at a Time

An issue arises when there are too many toys. I’ve seen children who have accumulated so many toys that they’re at a loss for what to do with them. Give them no more than one or two toys at a time. If they refuse to play with a certain toy, remove it and replace it with another. Rotate the toys throughout the day and playtimes. Additionally, this keeps the toys fresh and new for them for an extended period of time. A single item can truly accompany a child through multiple growth stages.

As I previously stated, toys such as shape sorters and stacking rings perform differently for children of varying ages. When they are six to eight months old, they will play with them in one way, and as they grow bigger, they will discover other ways to play with the same toys. For them, figuring things out is a great time, and it will be equally fulfilling for you.

For instance, blocks can be great for children. They will joyfully occupy them for many months in a variety of ways, and they will gain a variety of abilities as they figure out how to play with them.

Additionally, you should definitely get nesting cups for your infants. Neil was a sucker for his cups. Stacking them, and if I attempt to stack them, he enjoys destroying the stacks as soon as I create them.

Now, let’s look at some of the best toys which you can buy for your kids this Christmas.

Squeakee the Balloon Dino


Buy from here

Price: £79.99

A cheeky 36cm-tall pretend-balloon dinosaur with over 70 interactive features, like dancing when you put on his headphones, munching on his bone when you place it in his mouth, playing chicken and tug-of-war – and following you when you squeak his bone. Additionally, he makes a racket pretending to deflate (and reinflate) and gives out the occasional fart.

Kaloo Tendresse Monon My First Doll


Buy from here

Price: £19.99

A delightfully huggable 18cm-high soft doll dressed in a pastel-star-strewn gown and wearing a small peach hat and matching ‘boots’. She’s the ideal size for small chubby hands, and her long, super-grabbable knitted legs are an added bonus. She is machine washable (yay!) and comes packaged in a gorgeous presentation box. There are eight additional Kaloo dolls in varying sizes available, including the ballet-themed Valentine and the somewhat raffish sailor-themed Lucas.

Jiggly Pets Tan Tan the Orangutan


Buy from here

Price: £24.99

Tan Tan is a shaggy-haired orangutan who dances and plays music when you touch his foot. And he’s got some major booty-shaking, hair-wiggling action going on! This set includes two pairs of ‘party sunglasses’ — one for Tan Tan and one for you.

PAW Patrol Transforming PAW Patroller with Dual Vehicle Launchers


Buy from here

Price: £69.99

A 16cm x 35cm rescue vehicle with sound effects and flip-up side doors that expose two swivel-out vehicle launcher ramps inside. By pressing the launch buttons, you can outrun the vehicles. Comes with one all-terrain vehicle (the other must be purchased separately) and a Ryder figure.

Barbie Dream House


Buy from here

Price: £309.99

A GIANT (109cm × 104cm) 360° playhouse with a configuration that can be customized by rearranging the ten interchangeable living rooms across the three levels. Includes customizable lighting, ‘soundscapes’ (including party music), a slide, a pool, a grass area, furniture, and over 75 accessories. We particularly enjoy the small pet slide and the wall-mounted bunk bed.

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