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Embryo Transfer: How to Care For Yourself Afterwards

The most exciting day in your IVF journey is the day that the embryo is transferred. You’ve stuck to your pre-transfer routine, and your body is all set for it to happen. Your doctor has given you a list of things to do, and you’ve been diligent, including exercising, eating right, and taking your meds. Now that the day has come, you and your embryo are all ready to go.

Then, the transfer happens, and you have to wait. However, your work isn’t finished. While you’re waiting for the embryo to do its magic, there are still things you can do to improve your chances of success. Once the embryo is in, it’s not the end of the journey. Here are some tips.

Keep Taking Your Meds

Your doctor knows what’s best. If they’ve told you to continue taking or start taking medication after your transfer, then you should do so. It will ensure the health of the embryo. Many doctors prescribe progesterone, which is a drug that helps you sustain your pregnancy.

Eat Healthy

Don’t stop eating healthy now that the embryo has been transferred. For one thing, it’s better for your overall health and wellness. Eating right and getting your nutrients will help your body prepare for what is to come. You will be pregnant, which will involve many bodily changes, and then after that you will be caring for a baby, which is a whole different lifestyle than what you’re used to. Also, take any vitamins or prenatal vitamins that your doctor suggests.

This includes folic acid. Start taking a folic acid supplement as soon as the embryo is transferred. It will help lower the chances of several defects, including neural-tube and heart defect, and cleft palate. If you are unsure of how much to take, ask your doctor for advice. The earlier you start taking it, the better.

Be Nice To Yourself

After your fertility treatment procedure, you will probably feel impatient and anxious. The hardest part is not knowing if you’ve been successful. During this time, you must think positively and try to relax. Take some time off work and reduce any stress that you might be exposed to. Some people like to avoid the news and social media altogether in the few days after their transfer. Take leisurely walks with your partner and your dogs, do gentle yoga, and do anything you like to do that’s relaxing, as long as it’s not overly physical. Binge your favorite sitcom, read a book, or even play video games. You don’t have to be sedentary, but you’ve earned the right to take a break. If all goes well, you won’t be getting much quiet time in the next few months!

No Sex

Unfortunately, sex can’t be a part of the relaxing and enjoyable things you do during this period. Doctors advise you not to engage in sexual activity so that you can rest your pelvic area and let your body do what it has to do. Don’t worry, you can get back at it after a few days.

Monitor For Symptoms

Make sure that you are paying attention to your body and monitoring for any symptoms that you are concerned about. If anything doesn’t feel right, or your body is doing something you didn’t expect, contact your doctor right away. In most cases it’s nothing, but it’s better to be sure than to spend all your time worrying.

Don’t Take a Pregnancy Test

It will be awfully tempting to take a pregnancy test not long after you’ve had your transfer. However, it will take your body a few weeks before it can build up the hormones that the test would need to say that you’re pregnant. If you have to, do something to take your mind off of pregnancy and focus on relaxing.

The Waiting Is Difficult

Let’s face it, the hardest part of the process is having to wait and see if your transfer has been successful. The weeks after the procedures will feel like an eternity, but you will reach your destination. Just take care of yourself and your body to make sure it’s prepared for what’s to come.

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